"腾讯赞助2012知识发现与数据挖掘挑战赛()。据,此次挑战涉及推荐系统和广告点击模式。另外,腾讯提供的数据量将是所有公开竞赛之最。此次竞赛的两个任务的奖金额度均为8000美元。 日程:3月1日,数据公布,3月15日,比赛正式开始。6月1日,结束。"
Welcome to the KDD Cup 2012!
As you know, every year the KDD Cup attracts the most brilliant minds throughout the world to converge on challenging data mining problems. This year is no exception! The 2012 KDD Cup welcomes data miners to compete on the largest real datasets ever released publicly for competitions. Fresh from Tencent, the data mining tasks are about recommendation prediction in social networks and social media, and about user click modeling in advertising. We hope that these tasks would challenge your intelligence and push the limits of data-mining capabilities.
From Tencent, we encourage you to use these data fully for your algorithmic innovations and computational discoveries, and make breakthrough discoveries in science and industrial problems.
I hope you enjoy the competition, and wish you a great success!
Gordon Sun (Ph.D.)
Chair of the Organizing Committee, Chief Scientist of Tencent Inc.-
- Predict which users (or information sources) one user might follow in Tencent Weibo.Ends 3 monthsComing soon$8,000
- Predict the click-through rate of ads given the query and user information.Ends 3 monthsComing soon$8,000